Full of Surprises


The ship jolts to a halt after being in hyperspace for a matter of seconds. Warning sounds echo throughout the ship. Ushut frantically looks around the control panels in the cockpit. Gommorean shouting is bellowing through the ship's speakers. A horrid smell was leaking through the ventilation of the ship.

"What is going on? Why did we stop?" Brando barked through the comms.

"AND WHAT IS THAT SMELL?" Quyn glared at Ushut.

"Wait! It's definitely not me! It's coming through the vents somewhere," he defended.

"I can take a look around and see what is causing it. Can someone disable the speakers? I can barely hear myself think," complained Ley'li.

Meanwhile, Elenga and Brando are inspecting the engineering room looking for notifications as to why they have stopped. There were none.

"I need to perform a diagnostics scan to find out what's happening," said Elenga

Brando cautions, "Just make sure you are reading between the lines. I have a bad feeling about this."

Ushut turns off the speakers and the peaceful hum of the ship's system prevails. "Apparently, Trex likes Gommorean Opera... what a cultured person."

"I found out what the smell is. There is a heap of Wookee skins lying in the main cargo hold." Leyli said covering her mouth. "I'm going to jettison them."

"NO WAIT!" shouts Brando. "Those can fetch a hefty price at the market. Can we stow them somewhere?"

Brando hears a sigh through the comms and an eventual answer.

"FINE. I can stow them in a crate. But if the smell still lingers, they get jettisoned off the ship. Everyone agree?" Leyli asks.

After the wookee skins were stored the air started to return to normal.

"Well, it appears we are being tracked," Elenga said. "By none other than our friend Teemo."

"There must be a transponder somewhere." says Brando. He scans the entire ship looking for any abnormal frequency broadcasts. "There! It's is a transponder outside the ship. It appears to broadcasting our location every second."

"Can't we go outside and remove it?" asks Elenga.

"No but I can at least slow down to broadcast burst to every hour instead of every second. We just have to move fast and remove it when we land." he explained.

Back in the cockpit, Quyn is calculating how much fuel is needed to travel after getting a low fuel warning. Trying not to hit any other buttons, Ushut sees a blinking blue cage icon. In hold 3, there was a prisoner.

Underneath the icon read his name. B'ura B'an.


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